Anti Graffiti Paint Australia

anti graffiti paint Australia

Prevent unwanted graffiti and tagging with anti graffiti paint

Anti graffiti paint forms a protective barrier on surfaces at risk of graffiti paint or permanent marker ink. The barrier makes sure that the paint or ink does not adhere to the underlying wall but stays on the anti graffiti paint layer instead. These coatings are also known as graffiti proof paint due to the fact that the graffiti does not penetrate them.

Graffiti is a form of modern art and it has been part of the Australian culture for a long time; however, there are places where it does not belong and where it is “visual litter”. Graffiti in general, lowers the value of real estate, has high cleaning costs and may look messy. Therefore, it is a nuisance for real estate owners; even though there are places where graffiti can be freely applied, the taggers still find it attractive to paint where it is not allowed. Graffiti and other vandalism costs Australia approximately a massive amount of  $2.5 billion per year! Fortunately, graffiti can be easily removed from a layer of anti graffiti paint. At the same time the costs of graffiti removal are reduced. In this article we will walk you through available anti graffiti coating options.

Determine the best anti graffiti paint for your substrate

Australia is spending enormous amounts of dollars on cleaning graffiti and repairing other graffiti damage. Therefore, the number of anti graffiti coatings is increasing and they are becoming more and more available also for consumers. Before you purchase anti graffiti paint it is important to know that it comes in two forms, with each its own benefits and cost. Which one is the best anti graffiti paint for you depends upon the likelihood of your property suffering from graffiti vandalism and the amount of money and maintenance you want to invest.

1. Permanent anti graffiti coating –  for surfaces likely to experience graffiti frequently

Permanent anti graffiti coatings (non-sacrificial) make use of nanotechnology, which allows the coating to become one with the substrate. These coatings form a water repellent surface where the graffiti spray paint, permanent markers, or ink cannot properly adhere. The permanent anti graffiti paint remains functional for 5 to 8 years and endures some 70 graffiti removals. It’s especially recommended for: public buildings, schools, alleyways, bridges and railway walls.

Anti Graffiti Paint is a smart move for trains

Anti Graffiti Paint is a smart move for high graffiti risk substrates like trains.

2. Sacrificial anti graffiti paint – for surfaces at low to middle risk of graffiti

Sacrificial or temporary anti graffiti paint is usually a silicone wax which washes off together with the graffiti. It forms a protective film to which the graffiti can adhere without reaching the underlying substrate. As the coating is sacrificial, it needs to be reapplied after removing graffiti. Therefore we recommend this type of coating for houses, public benches, garage doors and other surfaces that are not daily exposed to graffiti risk.

Anti Graffiti Paint for every substrate

For graffiti artists, there is no difference between substrates. Therefore graffiti prevention coatings have been developed for multiple materials. There are transparent systems, but you can also opt for colour. Suitability for substrates varies per coating – always check the specific instructions from the manufacturer.

  • Wood
    There are waxes and permanent systems for hard and soft wood. If you want the natural appearance of the wood to stay visible, opt for a clear system. However, anti graffiti coating does not prevent natural greying of the wood. When you do not want discoloration to show an opaque system is a better choice.
    Surfaces: doors, facades, street furniture, fences and gates 
  • Concrete (masonry, stucco, bricks etc.)
    The most common choice of anti graffiti paint for concrete is clear permanent system. However, clear and sacrificial systems are also applicable.
    Surfaces: bridges, facades, walls, fences and underground tunnels and stations
  • Metal
    Metal surfaces are most often coated with a permanent opaque or transparent nano coating system. Some waxes are also possible, but often not convenient because they do not adhere that good.
    Surfaces: exteriors of trains, tubes and buses as well as metal doors and slidings

Anti graffiti paint for a DIY paint job

Here are a few anti graffiti products as an examples for applying anti graffiti paint yourself. In the table you can also get an idea of the anti graffiti paint price. Keep in mind that you should always follow the  manufacturer’s advice when it comes to the compatibility of the substrate and the coating.

Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti CoatingPermanentTimber, concrete, brick, render, metal, glassOn demand
Enviroguard AG Anti-GraffitiPermanentWood and timberOn demand
SigmaDur POLY-U-400 Anti-graffiti ClearPermanentAll$40,-
Elco Tuff PermanentAll$100,-
AGS 3502 Protective CoatingSacrificialConcrete, brick, Masonry$35,-
Graffiti Eaters SacrificialSacrificialBrick, stone and timberOn demand

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Local anti graffiti coating specialists and authorities in Australia

Protecting small surfaces from graffiti is often a DIY-job, but as the surface area gets larger, the application requires more expertise. Here you can find a professional graffiti removal and prevention specialist near you:

Other measures for graffiti prevention

Besides anti graffiti paint, there is more you can do to protect your house or building. In March the organisation Keep Australia Beautiful organises a special Graffiti Free Week.  They emphasize the importance of quickly removing graffiti but also introducing other measures for prevention such as:

  • Planting of bushes and vegetation to cut access to public and private walls
  • Promptly report vandalism for example by reporting them (anonymously) on Crimestoppers Australia
  • Making use of materials that make graffiti painting difficult
  • Educating people about graffiti vandalism
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